Jacobs promotes inclusive diversity and a non-discriminatory workplace where every individual, male or female, is respected and valued and can represent themselves within the organization.
Creating a culture of gender equality is the basis of our human capital strategy. For this reason, Jacobs Italia, as established in the scope of the UNI/ PdR 125: 2022 management system, which it has adopted and according to whose principles it operates, intends to ensure the presence and professional growth of women in the labor market, focusing on processes related to the following areas:
- Recruitment and recruitment
- Career Management
- Pay equity
- Parenting, care
- Work-life balance
- Abuse and harassment prevention
Jacobs believes that, in order to achieve a real paradigm shift, it is necessary that the principles of gender equality and respect for diversity are integrated into its corporate objectives and that it is, therefore, necessary to equip itself with adequate tools through which to define precise objectives for each phase of the professional path of women within the organization, measure progress in a clear and standardized way and certify the results achieved following qualified and transparent processes.
For these reasons, the organization is committed to implementing the principles of gender equality, articulated at all stages of the path of female workers, from the moment of recruitment to retirement, with the aim of:
- Increasing the presence of women in the workplace.
- Ensuring equal career opportunities, up to the most important managerial roles.
- Ensuring equal economic treatment.
- Promoting work-life balance conditions appropriate to the different stages of life and useful for the rebalancing of family burdens between men and women.
- Promoting a work environment that rejects stereotypes, discrimination, all forms of physical, verbal, digital abuse and proposing, instead, a culture of diversity and inclusion.
To each of these aspects, as required by the UNI/ PdR 125: 2022 protocol, Jacobs Italia has associated specific and measurable equality objectives, indicated in its strategic plan, with the aim of producing a sustainable and lasting change over time with a view to continuous improvement.
The Gender Equality Policy will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that gender fairness and an inclusive culture of diversity are continuously promoted within the work context.