This post originally appeared on Steve's LinkedIn on September 11, 2021.
In what was a life altering event for us all, September 11th marks a day that changed our country – and the world – forever. 20 years seems like a long time, and then, in the same breath, it doesn’t when we think of all we lost on that fateful day.
To the selfless first responders who made the ultimate sacrifice, running toward danger to save the lives of others, we thank them and their families. In recognition of all veterans – including Jacobs’ Board members and employees who served in the Global War on Terrorism, and my son who proudly served in the U.S. Army in Afghanistan – thank you for your service.
I recognize this anniversary will trigger uncomfortable memories and emotions for many, especially people who lost loved ones, those who served, and their families and friends. But I take with me the spirit and resiliency of the people of New York City, Washington D.C. and Shanksville, PA in the days, months and years following 9/11.
I pause on this day to take a moment in honoring the lives of those lost on that day and our fallen heroes for their service in the years following. All gave some; some gave all.