Continuing our path to address the world’s most critical challenges, we’re launching a new campaign highlighting transportation safety and road user safety efforts around the globe. Centered around engineering, education and enforcement, our campaign will continue for the following year.
Inspired by the efforts of our long-standing client, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Jacobs reflects on November 7, 2019, the last fatality-free day on Texas roadways since 2000, a tragic 19-year milestone. We all share in the responsibility – as drivers, passengers, pedestrians and engineers, to keep our road users safe. The campaign, unified by the theme of safety and #EndTheStreakTX, will highlight our dedication and the work of our clients and partners to address road safety issues, including
- Examples of how, from rising tides in New Zealand to restoring critical connections after earthquakes, hurricanes and floods, we’re tackling weather-related challenges to secure safer, smart transportation infrastructure solutions for tomorrow.
- Jacobs Global Technology Leader for Performance Management & Policy Mara Campbell weighs in on how to take a stand against roadway-related fatalities.
- Important tips for recognizing and resisting distractions behind the wheel.
- A look at how the Chicago Department of Transportation is using public input, big data, and creative traffic engineering solutions to improve safety and accessibility for all users.
“With this campaign and our overall Culture of Caring at Jacobs, our goal goes beyond driving safety statistics to zero. We look for ways to recognize and mitigate risks, on and off the job – and transportation is a key component,” said Jacobs Global Director of Transportation Kevin Slack. “This is why we’re spotlighting safety-related activities that can truly move the industry and our communities toward a safer, healthier tomorrow.”
Jacobs is delivering safety-supportive solutions around the world, including co-chairing a research panel for the National Wrong-Way Driving (WWD) Summit and developing an execution plan and budget for a national forum exchange workshop for the Toward Zero Deaths National Strategy on Highway Safety. In addition, Jacobs has an internal safe plan of action – which among other things – offers guidance for pedestrian activities from walking and running and a list of important reminders and best practices when driving a rental car.
From reminders for road user safe practices to examining the potential for emerging technology in safety, join us in raising awareness around transportation safety. We stand with TxDOT, transport entities around the world and each other, when we say let’s make transportation safety a priority and #EndTheStreakTX.