Doctor. Professional athlete. Teacher. YouTuber. Police officer. Video game developer. These are just a few of the most popular answers kids today give to the common question of what they’d like to be when they grow up.
Although engineers don’t often make the list, organizations like the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) are helping to change that and encourage more students to consider engineering and technology careers.
That’s exactly why NSPE founded National Engineering Week or EWeek in 1951 to promote awareness and interest in these types of opportunities. Today, EWeek has evolved into a formal coalition of more than 70 engineering, education and cultural societies, and more than 50 corporations and government agencies.
Activities are planned to not only raise awareness of engineers’ positive contributions to our quality of life, but also to promote the importance of a technical education and a high level of math, science and technology or STEM education.
Jacobs and other organizations around the world are gearing up to participate in exciting events for EWeek 2020, and as part of the week, we’re pleased to sponsor Girl Day in Los Angeles, California, on February 20.
Hosted by the American Society of Civil Engineers Los Angles Young Member Forum (ASCE LA YMF), the event will bring together approximately 150 local middle school aged girls, who are involved in programs such as DIY Girls, Girls Academic Leadership Academy (GALA), Girls Athletic Leadership School (GALS), Girls Excelling in Math and Science (GEMS)and San Fernando High School. Our own water resources engineer, previous ASCE New Faces of Engineering honoree and President-Elect of the ASCE LA YMF Monica Morales will lead the day’s events.
“This year marks the seventh that ASCE’s Los Angeles Young Member Forum’s been involved in Engineers Week activities and we’ve put in a tremendous amount of time to ensure that this year, participants leave the Girl Day event feeling inspired and excited about the possibilities and opportunities available to them in the engineering field,” said Monica. “I’m really excited about this year’s program and hope that everyone involved has fun, because engineering is fun!”
Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez, as well as our own Chief Strategy and Communications Officer Marietta Hannigan and Menzer Pehlivan, Jacobs geotechnical engineer and star of the film, “Dream Big,” will share their stories during the event in hopes of becoming role models for the participants and providing them with a better understanding and appreciation for how engineers change our world. They’ll also be providing an anecdote on how Jacobs’ Women’s Network is actively empowering women and engaging men in equitable practices.
Participants will have a chance to put their engineering skills to the test with several hands-on activities throughout the day. Scholarships will be awarded to several participants, recognizing the four top engineering essays submitted, including a scholarship sponsored by the Jacobs’ Enlace Network.
Learn more about this exciting event and consider ways to get involved in EWeek activities in your local area. Can’t make it to Los Angeles? Menzer Pehlivan shared four methods to inspire the next generation in this blog on