Our TMF Capenhurst project team in the U.K. was recently awarded a Jacobs Significant Milestone Award for completing 5 million workhours without a lost time incident in November 2017.
The team has worked tirelessly to create a safe and positive environment for not just Jacobs staff but all workers on the project, introducing preventative measures like free flu vaccinations for all site personnel, “Mental Health Matters” initiatives for staff and contractors, and sharing regular wellbeing-themed communications and interactions with the workforce.
At time of writing (January 2018) the team has continued to drive safety excellence across the project and recently passed 5.5 million workhours without a lost time incident.
Congratulations to everyone on the team!
About the Project
Urenco’s site at Capenhurst enriches uranium to provide fuel for nuclear power utilities. One of the by-products of this process is depleted uranium hexafluoride, known as “tails.” The TMF facility will process the uranium hexafluoride into a chemical form suitable for longer-term storage – a process known as deconversion. The Project involves all works (design, procurement, construction and inactive commissioning) associated with the construction of the URENCO ChemPlants Tails Management Facility at the URENCO U.K. Limited Capenhurst site.